Dear All, I'm Healing Warrior and it is a pleasure being connected to you. The main purpose of this blog is to share with all of you my journey into curing HIV. Probably you might think that this is practically imposible, actually it's not. How did I come into this conclusion? I would like you to see this video where Prof Luc Montagnier (Nobel Pricer winner in Physiology Or Medicine for the discovery of the HIV virus), states that having a good strong inmune system can actually get rid of the virus. Dr. Luc Montagnier Full Interview. After finding this very important information I started doing research of people that actually healed from HIV naturally with supplements, diet, etc. Only found three cases. Two of them I wasn't allowed to give out their full info. Andrew Stimpson Michael ...
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HIV Cure / Healing Natural Approach Alkaline Based Diet and Dr. Sebis approach
HIV Positive 28 year old male. Being poz since September 2016, never taken retrovirals. Currently undergoing a natural approach to cure HIV, just as two other HIV POZ that actually healed from this and now are HIV-NEG both. I've personally seen their tests and followed their journey into healing. Not trying to sell anything, I just want to share my journey into healing disease, in order to help others.